Saturday, January 29

We are Home

Are you as exited as exited we are? Finally we are home. Home sweet Home.
Our flight was pretty good. Looong but good. No bumpy weather. Everything went really smooth. We did had to change our planes once, In Minneapolis. But no big deal. We had our tickets, and Memphis flight was on time. J
I hate airports. They make me so emotional. All the commotion that is going on in them. Everybody is in a hurry, mean, mad. It is just one of those places that causes stress. We did have little incident in Memphis airport. Everybody who knows me well enough , knows that my suitcases are always extra heavy. And most of the time I have been pretty lucky and avoided those 25 dollar fees , if bags are over 50 lbs. Well, today my bag weighed 67 lbs. ( 2 Reginas). They told me that they can do nothing about it and I have to pay that 25 dollar fee. Of course prior entering the airport I was in such a good mood because finally I am feeling soo light that I can go home. And let me also mention that I ONLY had one suitcase. If I had 2 suitcases weighing 30 lbs each there would not have been a problem at all. But since I crammed everything into one suitcase , big deal was made out of it. Finally they called St Jude and problem was taken care off. But of course my mood was ruined and I was in tears. ( airports tend to make me cry. I cry in every airport I enter)
Regina did really well during both flights. She ate a lot. She was snacking during both flights and even ate bunless turkey sandwich( that’s what she calls it) hehe .

Now I have to start organizing my house. Somebody wants to come and help me out.? Huh? One of the promises I made for new years was to get rid of all the junk( that I don’t need) , but I am packrat. I have to keep everything. And saying everything I mean EVERYTHING. I am trying to brake that bad habit and make my house clutter free. With that I hope I also reduce stress. And most importantly, If house is nice, clean and organized , I will know where everything is and I don’t have to worry about looking for stuff to the places where it is not.J So , send me some organizing vibes, or come and help me. ;)

My crew made home before me. They got home on Friday around 3 pm. So , Nick picked us up from airport and brought me beautfiul red tulips( I love tulips).
Right now it is 7.02 am in CA. Sun is shining, view from my vindow is so relaxing and peacful and everything is green. I love my home and family :)

Regina was ready to sleep alone in her room. She did not wake up once during the night. :) That's called growing up ( i guess ;)

AND- i kept one of my mini promises. When people asked me what is the first thing I do when I get home , I told them I take bath and light the candles I did it. I have to mention that My husband made bath ready for me :) OH, It felt sooo relaxing and wonderful. You have no Idea how much I missed taking bubble baths :)


Lennuk said...

Welcome home! Home sweet home!

Organizing! Sorry, I will write in Estonian.......
Tead küll, kui väike elamine meil on. Ma ikka vahepeal võtan kätte ja hävitan, sõna otseses mõttes hävitan kõik kraami, mida pole aasta otsa puutunud või vaadanud. Ajakirjad, riided, mälestusesemed jne. Ja ikka ja jälle avastan midagi, mida ära visata. ja veel on sitaks selliseid asju. Märksa raskem on abikaasaga. Kui salaja ära viskan, siis ei mäleta ta midagi, aga kui ta silma all sebin, siis hakkab ta rahutult kohe ringi käima ja kahtlustama, et midagi tähtsat kaotsi läheb. (ma ükskord viskasin minig tähtsa juhtme ära - aga kus ma teadsin - see oli nii värvitu, nii tavaline - kui tähtis see saab oli - aga nagu välja tuli, siis imetähtis) Nüüd olen kavalam, mõningad asjad paigutan alguses kuuks ajaks peitu ja kui ta taga ei otsi, siis sorry, GONE! Aga kui istun temaga maha, et ütle nüüd, mida vajad, mida mitte, siis ära loodagi, et miskit prükkarisse läheb. Oeh.
Mingeid nippe mul eriti ei ole sulle soovitada. Olen ise üsna organiseerimatu, ainult vahepeal käivad hood peale. Samas.... ma pean ikka olema väga organiseeritud, et suudan kogu kraami siia väikesesse elamisse mahutada ja enadalegi astumisekski ruumi on.
Ma ise ka koguks igasugu mälestusi, aga pole lihtsalt kohta kuhu panna. Olen viimaste aastatega julmalt äraviskamist õppinud. Ja see on suur oskus!!!!

Sorry, et siia Eesti keeles...
Mõnusat kodu- ja pereaega nüüd!

Anonymous said...

Welcome siis meie poolt ka...
Sulle ei pea ütlema, et kas sa tead kui hea on olla OMAS KODUS!!! tead seda isegi ja paremini veel. Ikkagi nii pikk aeg ära oldud, paljud asjad lähvad meelestki ära selle ajaga. Aga selle asjade kogumise ja korjamise koha pealt olen ma samasugune - rämpsukorjaja ja kõikke seda IGAKS JUHUKS... Kuidagi tuttav tunne tuli kui lugesin, mis Leila kirjutas oma mehest ja asjade äraviskamisest :-) lol.....
Jõudu teile nüüd kosumiseks ja koduse rütmi taastamiseks


Tgears said...

I came late to your blog. I enjoyed reading about your victories. My wife is a Pediatric nurse who sometimes deals with chemo and families such as yourself. She is very encouraged to hear a good story. God Bless you all.

Queen D said...

Hi Timm :) It is always nice to hear from newcomers. :) Welcome to our world :)

Kathy said...

Well, we're here.

The shuttle bus driver waited for three families at the airport after we got there. There were two families there already.

Two families had infants. There were 13 of us and our luggage + two strollers trying to get in the van.

Avis had no cars.

There weren't enough seats in the shuttle (duh). I asked the driver about that while we waited half an hour for the last family to arrive, and he assured me there were plenty of seats. He also promised to get us here in time for the cafeteria.

Let's see, do the math, 6*2=12, there were 3 rows of seats that each held 3 people. One of the women had to weigh at least 300 lbs, there isn't room for three of those size women or even one and an infant seat. Four people rode without seat belts.

Because we waited so long for the last family, we got to Grizzlies House at 7:05 pm (the cafeteria closes at 7:00 pm).

The shuttle bus driver was missing four of his front teeth.

Now it's 8:00 pm and I'm trying to figure out what we should do. And I cried in the airport too, but not because they were trying to charge me $25, but because I'm a big baby and I hate these trips.

Enjoy your homecoming, seriously. Eat all the good stuff you want, drink some good wine that you bought at the grocery store, go to Trader Joe's, sit in the sun, get your manicure and pedicure, send Regina and Gabriel for a sleepover and have a date with your hubby, God knows you've earned it.

And I'll try to get myself some desperately needed sleep...