Tuesday, January 25

One, two , three- AND PULLLLLLL.

Today was eventful day for us. Reginas line got pulled. She was such a big girl about it. Nurse came in, I removed dressing from line, nurse but on her blue clowes, counted to three and voilaa- out it was. It took only about 2 seconds and her line was out. She did tear up a little but did not start screaming or crying. I was amazed how well she did. She had to stay still for 10 minutes and then we left the hospital :) I have her line with me, it is in plastic bag.. I told Nick that I will frame it and hang it on Dining room wall. lololol

Regina is feeling really well now. She is really exited to go home. :O) I guess we all are.

Now I have to make sure she stayes dry for 2 days, and in 7 days she can take baths allready. :) SHe havent had a bath for 6 months. Don't get me wrong, she is all clean, besides baths there are other options keeping your kids clean ;)

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