Sunday, January 2

I'm so happy,

It is 10.45 and we finally arrived our Home away from home :) Yes, we are in Target house now.
Reginas ANC was 400 this morning. Nurse practitioner told me that , sorry ladyes, but you have to spend here another night. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. She left , and I was ready for that LOOOng night. Then she came back hour later and told me that there is change of plans. She sayed that they will draw Reginas blood 6 PM, and if ANC is 500 or more by then we will get discharged. YES, 8 pm her ANC was 900- wohoooo!!!! She was still on some meds and got her last dose of antibiotics( for today).

She is feeling great and looks really happy to be out of there. She even drew a picture to her nurse whose name was Merrywheater(not sure about the spelling, but she was one of the Sleeping beauty fairies).

I have to give her 3 different kind of meds total 10 times a day. Yuck! Only one of them is through IV line, the others are oral. I am not looking forward those oral ones. I hope she can keep them down!!!


Anonymous said...

Congratulations on being out of the hospital. Hopefully this will be the first of good things to happen in 2005!!
Love,Carol :)

Kathy said...

Congratulations! You're in the homeward stretch now.

Once Regina's counts are back, she'll get MRI's, a spinal tap, they'll pull her line (or not, they may try to talk you into leaving it in for 3 or 6 months), then you will be homeward bound at last!