Thursday, January 13

Short day.

Today Regina had labs drawn and quick visit with Dr Gajjar. :) What surprised me was , Reginas apointment was on time. We were invited in to clinic 5 minutes before her apointment time. That has never happened before. And before I could wink Dr Gajjar was in room and checking on Regina :)

They had to swab her arm ( she still has that ugly blister/ herpes lookalike) that does not want to heal. Well, it heals, and then again after while it starts oozing. Nobody has no idea why it is there or what is it. Maybe tomorrow we know more about it, if not, They will scratch skin off from that part and swab it then. Tara told me most likely they do it on 19th, because then she will be sedated for MRI and will n0t feel a thing. :)

Tomorrow we will have to spend some time in medicine room - some meds she has to breath in. and then we will see nutritionist . Hopefully Sunday will be her last day on TPN :)
On monday I try to talk to DR Gajjar one more time about taking Reginas line out. Only meds she has to take while we go home are oral and line stayes in only for blood tests. I was told that she maybe has to get her first blood test in 2 weeks after we get home. Dr Gajjar told me half joking that how should I feel if everybody will stick needels in me all the time. lol

15 potatoe chips- 150 cal
I slice of cinnamon bread
1,5 Burger king chicken tenders
3 glasses of milk
3 teespoons of Chocolate Ice Cream for breakfast.

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