Monday, January 3

She is healing well :)

Her counts are doing great job recovering. Her ANC was 1100 this morning, hemoglobin and platelets are on rise also :) She is feeling better and better every minute and she even started eating today( elbow macaroni). She is taking her meds really well, no vomitin so far. :) That is my girl. She knows that to recover completly , she has to do whatever I tell her too ;)

Gabriel is being just himself, talking a lot, playing his gameboy for hours and being interested butting together 30-100 piece puzzles. :)

I just want to let everybody know that I care about you all and I care about your kids. NEVER tell me that your kids problems are nothing to compare what I/Regina are going true( for those, who are not batteling with cancer) and you don't want to bother me with your silly problems. REMEMBER, everything is important to me. If your kid falls and hurts her/his knee, it matters. If they pump theyre head, it matters and I want to hear about 'it. If you have headache, or can not keep up with your housework it matters. If you have new boyfriend/ girlfriend- tell me about it. I want to hear good news!!!!! Don't hesitate to call me up or email me what is going on in your lives. I do care. They are your kids, and every little fall, scratch is big thing .
Just be thankful it is not cancer.


Kathy said...

Awesome news about Regina-- she's healing.

I was just looking at photos of Steven during his last cycle of chemo. At the time I thought he looked fine, but when I look at them now I think he looks tired and thin (for him, he's not a thin kid, he likes to eat like me).

Regina looks tired to me too, good considering what that poor little girl has been through, but it's definitely time for her to be done.

Six months from now I think you will be amazed at her recovery, every time I see one of our kids bounce back from such a horrendous treatment regimen it's like a miracle.

Now is Regina's time to heal and your time to pack and exercise your skills to figure out how on earth to fit all that stuff you accumulated at St. Jude into your car. For everything that doesn't fit, there's always Fed Ex Ground :-)

We're estimating you'll be back at home about a week before we fly out there on the 31st.

And, for

Anonymous said...

Kathy. I remember when I saw Steven first time( I think it was his 3 month post check up) , he still looked pale and tired. But then I saw him again when you came to visit us in Target house, and He looked Happier, healthier, fresher and RECOVERED.

Yes, Regina does look tired. I can not blame her, All those drugs she got . I can only emagine how it can make her feel. :)

They are allready trying to tell me that REGINA has to keep her line, because she HAS to be on TPN when we go back to CA. BUT, she is allready starting to eat, and during next 12 days she will start eating more and more and hopefully they pull her line. I CAN not take it anymore.

AND Regina had not had her NO MORE CHEMO PARty yet. I want her to have NO MORE CHEMO party. I think they keep forgetting about us :()

Anonymous said...

Hello ladies! I am so so glad to hear that Regina is doing well. Not to much longer until that no more chemo party. I hope you ahd a happy new year and we will cehck in on you soo,
Love Jaci and Camble

Lennuk said...

Diana, after reading your posting I felt so special... Me and my little worries and troubles! :)
Good luck for all of you! And for you and you and you and you.... Yep, good luck, hapiness, health for everybody!

Kathy said...

You don't want to go home on TPN unless there's no other way. On TPN her blood needs to be monitored regularly, you'll be driving her back and forth all the time, if you drive her to CHOC (which is probably the best place) several times a week, you'll be going nutzo.

Other problem with line is that usually they want to take the line out at the same place they put it in, makes sense because they understand exactly where the line goes, if there is a problem removing it, so it will be three months minimum of no swimming, no bath, and cleaning the line three times a week.

If the line is in and she gets a fever (anything, could be she catches a cold from Gabriel), it requires 2-3 days hospitalization if she has a line. If it is time to go home and she is close to being weaned off the TPN, it would be better to stay in Memphis an extra week and get the line out than to go home with it, in my opinion.

For whatever reason, every patient I know from this trial was told the same thing initially, you need to leave the line in, but I don't know anyone who actually went home with it.

Maybe there are reasons beside TPN to leave the line in, but if that's the only reason I'd try to wait until they stop the TPN and then pull the line out, then go home.