Tuesday, July 17

Tuesday in Ronald Mc Donald house.

Today is very quiet day. REgina has no appointments and we just go to hospital for lunch and dinner.

Regina also had IV chemo yesterday ( Irinotecan (sp??). Hr lttle body does not like that chemo much. She got diarrhea and we have to keep a close eye on her poop ( nice chore.) Oh fun...

Regina may also need platelets tomorrow. Her platelet count is 64000 ( I think) and if it falls to 50 000 or lover she has to get some. And we were told that most likely it is tomorrow. I can actually see those signs her face. Her eyes are starting to have little dark circles under and she looks tired, even though she acts and feels normal.
We were also told that hey may have to stop her chemo for a while since her immune system is not dealing with chemo very well. Stopping chemo means cancer gets to breath which I strongly dislike. BUT stopping chemo means also her immune system gets a little brake and can recover faster and Regina gets stronger.

NOW, I LOVE DR MURRAY. He took my dental pain away. I just had filling but in about a month ago. And root canal at that time was fine, but after filling it got inflamed. IT was so inflamed that even numbing meds did not numb my nerve. SO while he was " killing" my roots, I was in horrible pain. I could feel ever poke, move that was going on while he was freeing me from pain. BUT it was worth it. I am pain free now. It feels awesome not to be in pain. !!!!!

JUSt hope that Regina does not get sick while her counts are dropping...


B said...

I was so happy to hear that Regina did not get more sick with fever. I have been praying for her. When I read about her at the ParTea Planner's site, Regina just captured my heart. I don't know your family, but something about your story just made me want to see her get a miracle from God, and I am praying for that to happen. What a brave and wonderful daughter you are so blessed to have! You and your family will be in my prayers every day.
:D Brenda

Kathy said...

Please tell Regina hi from us. Steven, Sean and I are getting ready to leave (Saturday) to drive to Oregon for our biannual family reunion.

We will try to send her postcards from the different places we stop if we can.

Are they stopping the chemo because of blood counts?

I really hope she can hang in there with the drugs, I'm sorry she's recovering slowly. It sounds like the irinotecan is doing what it usually does to people.

She is very much in our prayers.