Tuesday, July 3

Healthy eating..

( THANK YOU GYMBOREE) 2 Clouds of hope...

For Reginas party I asked everybody to bring something healthy.. But I did not specify "healthy". I wanted to see what people come up with ... I wanted to get little inside what people define healthy. For my surprise we got lot of watermelon, carrots and grapes ;) YES , that is healthy and organic ( if it was organic). ANd it is good quick choice for healthy snacking.
Also I was impressed to see people bring very good size and tasty wraps, simple low cholesterol sandwiches, guacamole, low sodium chips, low carbonated drinks, organic snacks. I also spoke to few people what is healthy and they had no clue..... So here I go.

EVERY food is healthy, IF it is consumed in healthy amounts, cooked properly, low of sodium, free of preservatives, hormones, fillers... etc. Try not to use artificial sweeteners. Use fresh herbs...

simple samples- Orange juice, onions marinated grilled chicken, Baked , cornflake covered chicken legs( bake it instead of deep frying). Mixed vegetable salad( mix everything, instead of keeping them separately, Flavor is much better that way. Icy bananas- cut banan as into slices and freeze them and then snack onto them. Non sugared cereals for snacking, Vegetable wraps- take lettuce leaf, wrap shredded lettuce, tomatoes, cucumbers, add some low fat italian dressing- YUMMY and simple snack... Just use your imagination...

We also do not want to feed reginas cancer cells with junk.. and as intimidating corn dogs and cheese pizza sounds, we prefer not to feed her that anymore ( once in a while we will do junky snack, but we stay away from them at all costs).

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