Wednesday, March 2


Regina woke up today coughing. And it is very congested cough. Right now she is doing ok, occasionaly coughing. Seems like she does not have much energy eather , she looks very down today. . She is on meds that supposed to prevent pneomia . I have been giving it to her for a week( since St Jude shipped it to us), but I think they are not working. I wait until tonight, and if her cough is getting worse I will call her doctor. There goes my weekend....


Kathy said...

Steven got pneumonia last September. Five days of zithromax and it was gone, hopefully you can get Regina checked out soon.

Septra won't prevent colds, bronchitis, or pneumonia caused by bacteria or viruses.

Septra is used specifically to prevent a fungal infection that primarily affects people with compromised immune systems, such as AIDS patients or kids who've had bine marrow transplants.

The name of the infection that Regina takes Septra for is Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia, a separate thing from the sort of pneumonia that Steven got.

We hope she feels better soon.

Queen D said...

Thanks Kathy. I was told that she has to take it to prevent Pneomia and bronchitus. i guess, they wanted to make it sound as easy as possible. Duh.