Around 4,15 pm was time for Reginas physican therapy evaluation. We went downstairs to qym to get Regina out of that horrible hospital mode- I am not talking to you, I am not smiling at you- leave alone if you have no toys for me.!!!
Downstairs Regina was like a different person. Smiling, running , happy. She did not like when p/t bended her legs in every direction. She is waaay to felxible- much more than normal people are. Her perfect job would be competing for olympics ;)
Well, she has hyper ext of knees and mild mild calcaneal valgus. We have to get her custom made shoes with extra arch support and we have to make sure she sits right, holds her back straight, we have to do some streching exersises to make her flex all the directions same way. SO we have some work to do. She also has mildly rounded shoulders.
She has difficluties balancing on her left foot- right foot is perfect she can stay still for 10 sec, but on left only 2-3 secs.
P/T had no idea why she was limping the way she did. She told me that Reginas problem will keep her awake tonight. :) But she was the nicest person there. And her information not only was good for Regina, but also for me. She told me what will happen to Regina if her problems are not taken care now. She described 100% what my mom has .
My mom had 2 hip replacement surgerys and her toe bones are huge and her toes are growing overlaping each other and her knees are slightly together when she is walking. At least I got something good out of that horrible experience. :)
O/t was very very impressed how smart my little "Meatball " is( Regina nicknamed herself). She did everything and even more than usual 5,5 year olds do. He gave me whole list of things and activities I can do with Regina to keep her brain busy. I looked at some of the things on the list and she is already doing 8 year old activities. :) So No problem there. :) -
Today we went and did some shopping, bought candy for easter baskets and made couple of baskets to our friends. Tomorrow we are invited to couple of Easter hunts. I still have not made up my mind which one.
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