Sunday, December 16

Kind of slow sunday.

Reginas counts are down. She looks and acts more tired and her sense of smell and taste is stronger than ever. Everything makes her nauseous. Bad Chemo, no candy for you!!!!!!
We had to cancel our plans for today. We had plans to go to Los Angeles Estonian house for a Christmas party. This is second year in row we were not able to go. Last year we had to go to St Jude for scans. This year, due to low counts. Children's christmas party in Estonia house is alway fun. Snacks, kids performing songs and dances, Santa comes and hands out gift for kids... And catching up with old good friends...

BUT our Sunday was not completely wasted. Dancing squirrel Productions came to Ronald Mcdonald house and performed one very fun and entertaining play called Holly and Snowflake adventures. It was amazing. Costumes, acting, stage that they brought with them... FUN!!!!!
If you go to my album , you can find some pics from that play.

Anyway, please keep your fingers crossed for tomorrow. Tomorrow and tuesday will be tough days. Regina will receive IV chemo, that can do damage to her skin. We also have to remove her IV dressing for few days, because if we do not , Reginas skin could just peel off

1 comment:

Lennuk said...

Santa gave kids presents to me without any hesitation!
I will stop by Tuesday night to deliver them.
See you guys soon and I'm keeping my fingers crossed for today!!!!!