Monday, December 6

Where is everybody???

It so quiet here . Nick left, James left. Nothing to do but just hang out in our room.

Today Regina had fast day. Nutrition consultation went ok. Nothing I did not know about. I don't like that every time different nutritionist sees Regina. So every time I have to tell them blah, blah blah and more blah blah blah.

Then OT( ocupation therapy), she did really well. Usually she does not like going to the second floor. But today she was wearing daddys St Jude Half marathon medal and she was sooo proud to show it to everybody :) . Only thing I am not sure about Regina is that suddenly( month ago) she started writing all the numbers like mirror image. It is really weird. She knows her numbers, she knows how to add and subtract but she writes them like mirror image. Her therapist told me that it is nothing to worry about. Most of the kids at some point do that. She does not do it with letters- just numbers.

And the best news at all- LAST night , after Nick left, REgina started EATING!!! She ate almost 2 mini pizzasa(those kid size pizzas, she drank milk, ate waffle sticks) Then today she ate meatballs and she did not throw up. :). She is doing really good now. SHe has completely recovered from her 3d round. We just have to go to the hospital for routin check ups. Her 4th round should start in a week, but I heard that hospital is fully packed so we MAYBE have to wait little longer :( . I dont like waiting. I want her chemo to end before christmas. !! So kids who you are in the hospital now. Get well really fast so Regina can get in to the hospital( what a wish).

Carol!!! Thank you again! Regina has been doing her coloring all day today :)

1 comment:

Kathy said...

Don't worry about the mirror image thing. Steven and Sean both did it in kindergarten too.

Sean is in second grade this year and is finally starting to get better with that. It truly is a common thing.

Enjoy your week with Regina feeling good. If you haven't been there yet, midweek is a good time to take Regina to the Children's Museum when it's not crowded.

We hope she finishes her chemo before Christmas and no fevers this next time.