Saturday, December 11


Today is not Reginas Admission night. Yeah, you heard right. NO chemo. I got her schedule for monday and she has labs check and that is about it. I was told that she will be admitted on thursday- if there is bed. There better be. Hey you all 4th floor kids- GET WELL really soon. REgina needs to get in .!!!
I just hope that her chemo ends before christmas.

In my past post I added list with kids who really need your prayers. I am sad to tell you that 2 of those kids passed away. Helen and Aaron. I did not know them that well, but I saw them in St Jude every day. They were part of our St Jude family and every time family member dies It affects us rest of the family.

1 comment:

Kathy said...

Well, that pretty much sucks, about Regina's chemo being delayed. I'm sure you are more than ready to go home by now.

You might want to contact B-Clinic and see what Regina's priority on the list is. Also, you might want to request that Regina get the first bed available, even if it's before Thursday.

Since this is Regina's 4th cycle and since she hasn't had any bad reactions to chemo in the past, she should be able to start chemo on any day of the week.

It is also possible for her to do chemo on the second floor. When we were delayed twice and they threatened to delay Steven a third time, I emailed Dr. Gajjar and we met with him and Ken and we were admitted later that day.

So, don't be too patient. When we were getting ready to leave, Ken told me he wanted me to represent him at his next tax audit, I guess he thought I was obnoxious enough to go to battle with the Feds.

Good luck...