Wednesday, December 29

Wednesday update.

All I really know at this point is that Regina is doing somewhat better and fever has not returned. And I know that we will be spending New Years Even in the hospital also.
She is still on 3 kinds of antibiotics and all those meds make her tummy feel not soo good. Last night she woke up every hour to go to the bathroom. Not much sleep .
Today Doctor Yusuf game by - and let me mention that I have seen him most during this week that I had seen him within her 4 Chemo months. He gives me latest updates and what they are going to do next. Now they are working on finding out what kind of infection is it.
Doc Renee mentioned to my sister that It is really good thing that I acted fast. Because If I had waited with her fever one more hour or so, the infection may have started spreading all over her body, and make things 100 times harder, but they got it while infection was still spreading its wings in her line. SO Jey to me!!!

Regina acts very mean most of the time. Her favorite Nurse practitioner is miss Katie. She tells me that every single day, but every time miss Katie comes over she just hides her face from her and tells her to leave her alone( kind off). Every time miss Katie leaves she draws her picture or card, but when It is time to give it to here- she has to hide again.
I so wish I knew what is going on in her growing brain. I want to help her , but she just closes down and stops talking to me when I ask if it hurts somewhere or how she feels. I don't like the fact that she keeps everything inside. Maybe tomorrow is better day. Maybe she will smile tomorrow. :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Diana and Regina,

Heather and I just returned home from Idaho and we just read your postings for the week and saw the pictures. I just asked Heather what she wants to tell Regina and this is what she said: "Dear Regina, I love you and I miss you so much. I hope you come back soon."

Sending all the get well wishes in the world.

Beth and Heather