Saturday, December 18

Second day. Last round.

As always first day was the worst. Regina was throwing pu constantly and then her nurse thought that is ridiculos and gave her antinausea med Regina never had before. SHe slept from 9am till 4 pm.( waking up only to throw up.)

I really dont like third floor that much. Bathroom is mile away, and parent room is in the other end of the floor. Our nurse acts like she is the smartest person in whole wide world but the same time she keeps making the smallest mistakes( big ones for Reginas sake). Smetimes she does not use alcohol pads before flushing. ANd yesterday she wanted to take blood twice from same line for cultures. If I was not looking close enough and letting her know that she is making a huge mistake, she would have messed up everything. I'm suspicious about her and keep really close eye on everything she is doing with Regina.

Regina got fever 38,8 yesterday. It went down after she got her first dose of antibiotics. So far her blood cultures look good. Hopefully it was just chemo side effect

1 comment:

Kathy said...

When Steven was born, he spent his first five days in the neonatal ICU, due to him being 5 weeks premature.

There was one nurse in there who was, shall we say, clumsy. Clumsy is an understatement, but it will do.

She'd pick up the babies and rock them in her arms in a way that looked way too violent for a 4-lb baby (some of the babies were significantly premature).

She'd trip over the electrical cords. She'd get the baby names wrong and show up with the wrong medication/formula.

Either Doug or I was there the entire time this nurse was in the room-- the others we trusted. The clumsy nurse was very nice, but coordination wasn't one of her strong points.

Doug gave her a nickname that still cracks me up--
Nurse Fumblef**k

Here's to hoping you guys get this done with soon. Steven spiked a fever during chemo on his second cycle got antibiotics in his line along with the chemo.

Because of the fever we had to stay one additional day, but that was the only cycle that he didn't get a fever after his counts went to zero, the additional day was well worth the price of not going back with neutropenia and fever later.

So maybe Regina's fever now means she won't get one later, we'll cross our fingers, and we're hoping you get moved to the 4th floor.