Yesterday was easy day. This morning was also easy one. TILL NOON. I think chemo finally started working or whatever.. and Regina started throwing up .. A LOT. They almost did not let us home but since IT WAS NOT MY FIRST TIME TAKING CARE OF HER, they gave me green light, and we finally got discharged around 6.45. She threw up a lot while we drove home.
Right now she is resting peacfully. TOmorrow we have to see Dr. Loudon, just checkup, and most likely he will remove her stiches.
on 9th, CHLA vincristine Chemo again, but this will be short stay.
She had cisplatin, right? Cisplatin is very nasty chemo. For Steven, all they had to do was to bring the bag in and Steven would start to feel sick.
So sorry for your poor girl. Tell Regina hi and Steven says for her to kick that cancer in the butt.
Yes, Cisplatin. But last night she did awesome. Doctors and nurses were amazed how well she listened and did everything they said. Even when they had to wake her up hourly she did it without saying NO. :) Luckily, if everything goes well, then next cisplatin will be in 6 weeks :)
dear diana... you take care of your self too... since regina needs you. all the best for regina... miracle will always be with her.
In 6 weeks aren't you supposed to be doing Tarceva?
Yes, but if this chemo works, then we are going to do another round of this one... anyway, it is complicated...
Poor baby...
Good luck with the treatments they have her doing. I hope all turns out well. Hope the whole family is taking care of themselves. Tell Regina, hello and I'm sending love and hugs her way.
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