Sunday, August 26


It is sooo nice to be home. Kids are playing, running around... fighting, laughing, dancing, calling each other stupid -- life is normal

Yesterday( saturday) we went to Reginas BFF's birthday in local Ice Palace ( ice skating place). I did not allow Regina to ice skate because I am worried her falling and hurting herself, and right now I can not afford her to get more injuries. But she did have fun anyway. She watched other kids skating, she ate pizza and cake, and had sleep over at Heathers House. She loves Heather very very much. :)

My boy Gabriel is something else. He is amazing 6 year old. At Ice palace he was littlebit afride at first. he told me that HE WILL NOT ICE SKATE because he is afride of falling. I told him- Please try, after first fall you are done. You do not have to skate any more.
BUT GUESS WHAT. After first fall he picked himself up, fell again, skated, fell , skated, fell skated more. I have not seen such a proud face on him for a long time. HE GOT IT. HE LEARNED TO ICE SKATE!!! I am so proud of him. He fell MILLION times, he hit his head, he fell on his face. .. BUT he just kept going like energizer bunny.... It was so nice to see him doing something he thought he'd hate, but instead he fell in love. . Today he asked me million times when we are going to skating again :) SOOn , I told him. SOON Gabriel :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Finally! I have another victim to take ice skating! You just let me know when I can take him. He looks really good out there. The great thing about being a kid is the fall is not as far as us. When I fall I want to cry like a baby.

I am so glad Regina is feeling better. Please let me know if you would like to get together, of if you would like an afternoon to yourself. I will watch the kids. Tomorrow I am available all day.