Tuesday, May 17

Little troublemaker.. Kiisu is creating great mess around the house by giving out free scratches to sofas, walls, kids art projects and my scrapbooking stuff. And now he is major suspect in something else serious. We wait and see- hang in there Kiisu- you are under the investigation...


Kathy said...

Hoping your cute little troublemaker gets out of the dog house soon.

Hope that Gabriel does OK with that needle too, and that all those drugs take care of his problem soon.

Queen D said...

His lymph nodes are going down,and his huuuge lumphas allready almost dissapeared. But we still don't know what it is. I took a cat to vet and he got some of his vaccines, and they check his blood( for leukeemia), and next month we have to go back for more vacines and then more and more. This kitty is extremely expensive- I have to pay everything in full- no 15 dollar co pay. lol

Kathy said...

The Petsmart near our house has clinics in the afternoon/evening once a week and they give out the shots and vaccines much cheaper than the vet.

That's where we took our dog when we first got him, it was very reasonable.

Lennuk said...

Do they really need all these shots and vacines?
Just wondering...
Our cat in Estonia was doing totally fine without any vacines and with just some real cat food (yes, we gave fish to him - "räimed" läksid loosi! and he catched mice outside).
I am alive as you can see/know. Nothing happend to us or to him.
Don't let fool yourself :) by people who want to make some money! This vetenary thing is so expencive as I have heard!
Ok. I guess - no cat for me in this city!? :)

Queen D said...

I rather be safe than sorry. Cats do need all the vaccines.
And estonia is different- thigs that Seem safe there are not safe here. There are lot to cats - mre than you think.... ;)