Sunday, April 27

Something nice happened today.

I tear up even thinking about it...
Gabriel has been wanting to go to Macaroni Grill forever.( it is Italian restaurant). He keeps talking about Mister Miller working there and he wants to see Mister Miller. Long story...

Anyway, It was hot day today. H O T. BURNING HOT. So REgina did not take her jacket with her. AND in Restaurant we were given THE COLDEST CORNER, AIr CONDITIONER blowing straight to us. So we requested table change and since Restaurant was not that full we got
"warmer" table. We settled in, got menus , Crayons. AND our waitresses name was also Regina , MY Regina thought it is very cool:).

So we were just sitting there and REgina still felt little cold. Suddenly, someone came to our table and asked me- I overheard you , Is she cold? I said Yes, she feels very cold today..

That nice lady handed Regina her green blanket and told us this is for you , and you can keep it. And she had this friendliest , warmest smile on her face I just took a one look at her and started to cry because things like this make me cry( I am crying right now). I am sure she carried that blanket with her because she was feeling cold herself, but she decided to give it to Regina anyway.


Now about Regina.
You guys know what time of the month it is right now?? Don't ya?? IT is end of April. April/may... Every year this time Regina has been sick past 4 years. Every YEAR. She has been sick for 7 days now and she still has not completely recovered. She is coughing, but not as much as few days ago. She has not been eating well for few days and she has been sleeping more than usual. She is not happy, or goofing around like she usully is doing, and she has this " blank Brain tumor/chemo " look on her face.

Stress is kicking in again and I think it will stay with me for few weeks . Today in Macaroni grill I ate my food, I ate appetizer and I ate half Reginas Pizza, half load of macaroni grill awesome bed and I was still hungry. So at home ate some more and Now it is 9.30 and I am about to eat more. I just hope that this feeling passes before May8th. ( wohooo It's my big 30) wohoo again ...

I just hope Regina recovers fast and I can see happy Regina soon again.

1 comment:

Patty said...

Glad you and the kids had a nice day out for lunch. Sorry Regina wasn't feeling the best. That lady with the blanket was an angel in disguise. Hope Regina gets to feeling better soon and hope you wanting to eat, settles down. I'm sure it's just stress coming out in the form of you feeling hungry. I don't know about you, but sometimes when I eat like that it seems to relieve the stress.