Thursday, July 14

My Batgirl and our friend Devin. I guess Regina is ready for Halloween. Last night Regina and Gabe had a blast in Devins house watchint tw, eating pizza and mac and cheese and plaing with Devings toys. Devins mom wanted to have recipe of one of my seafood dishes, but I was to lazy to write it down, instead, I went to grossery shopping, bought all the things needed for that dish and went to her house and made it for them. :) I had fun cooking and they had fun eating it. :)


Lennuk said...

sounds like fun!
and what is this dish? you better look up the recipe or you need to come to my house too! :)))

Anonymous said...

Hi Diana! I check your blog now that I don't see you at TW anymore... Regina looks so adorable as Batgirl! I hope you guys are doing well, I miss hearing about you! :)

Queen D said...

Hi Joanna. I've been thinking about you a lot after you left TW. I hope everything is going great with you and your family. Do you still have your diaryland Diary??