Thursday, July 28

Back in school

OH. FINäALLY, i got a brake from this madness that was going on in our house. Regina was feeling great so I took her back to her school. She was very exited to go back and do something more exiting than sitting in home with me. Reginas cough is almost gone, but again, she got those huge cold sores on her lip, her upper lip is completely covered with them. I think I really need to take her to specialist who cures this kind of things.

Last night was one of the worst nights I have had for a while. Something is going on with Gabe. From 8am till 10 pm he was screaming his lungs out. He refused to listen to me, he refused to fall asleep, he refused to do anything I saied to him. He screamed so loud and so much she ended up throwing up. She was terrorising Regina and telling her that she is a baby , and then Regina told him that his feet stink and then both of them cryed. After on hour of screaming and yelling I just broke down and cryed also. Regina asked me many many times why am I crying but I did not have answer for her. I wanted to tell her that it is because I don't know how to handle Gabriel, and I just want to get away from you both for a while, but I just told her that I am sad because I am tired. She gave me huge kiss and hug and told me everything will be allright. This screaming thing is nightly routine for Gabe, We keep our windows open before bedtime and I think all our neighbors heard what was going on.
Today Gabriel woke up happy and smiling like nothing happened last night. I just want to know what is going on in his mind. His personality changed after his vaccinations. ( 25th of June , I think). He is so restless, he does not pay attention, he sayes one things but does other, he is constantly fidgeting, and there is so much more that I have to deal with it. In overall he is good boy but when something like that happens I just don't know how to deal with it.


Lennuk said...

He is 4 years old!!!
Helen changed a lot on her 4th birthday day. We had quite a challange for a couple of months. I tried to be nice, I tried to be strict, I got angry, I got sad, I tried to be calm, ect.
It took quite a lot of effort from me and her parents. They started to use 1-2-3 rule again and as much as I don't like it, it works with her.
She went to vacation with her perents for a week, came back as different kid. Sweet, good listener, behaving good, etc.
I think - you just need a little breake and Gab needs dad for a change!
Good luck! Keep up your good work! You are parent and you know what are you doing!

Kathy said...

Steven, who never threw a tantrum ever when he was 2 and 3, started it when he was 4.

But then things got better again.

Now I'm seeing the beginning of puberty and him thinking he has the right to think for himself and make his own decisions, where on earth did he get that idea?

Gabriel is a sweetie, you're doing the right thing and soon daddy will be home for a while.

Things will work out.

Now go have some stinky cheese and hard cider or wine and relax.

Queen D said...

Sure they will- one day. :) Today was pretty good day. He cryed about 20 minutes ( better than 2 hours ) lol

About cheese and wine- I have not had piece of cheese for at least 3 weeks. ( I think). I replaced cheese with chocolate. Now I gave up chocolate to, and I guess it is time to start using cheese again- I make everything simple very complicated. :D

Anonymous said...

I agree with the aboe comments!! Our son was a "terrible" two, our daughter was a "terrible three and four"!!! It gets better trust me!!! Then you'll be like me crying your eyes out cause you'll be dropping your "baby" off at college!!!!! Think of happy thoughts for me when we drop him off at the Citadel on Monday and not see or nor hear from him for a month and two days!!!!!! HA HA I guess we can't ever be happy huh??? Keep up the good work!!! Have a great day too!!!