(June 22nd, 2007, minutes before she was wheeled into surgery)
Our worst fears have come true.
MRS was done. Couple of spots were way to small to determine WHAT IS IT. But one spot, the one that is 1, 2 cm big, showed that it is tumor and it is in a mix with scar tissue.
What's now you ask?
Regina is already taking oral chemo -60 mg Temodar .
Then in every 2 weeks she is on Avastin.
AND we are adding third chemo drug into Reginas drug coctail... IRINOTECAN. It will be given her through IV , in every 2 weeks after her Avastin dose.
I am not sure what side effects will be, since she has not taken Avastin /Irinotecan mix before. But i am guessing some digestive issues, and tiredness, and counts falling faster...
I'm so sorry.
I'm still praying.
Mul on väga kahju, et teile järjekordne katsumus teele veeretati... Jätkuvalt usun, et Regina ja teie kõik saate sellega hakkama - olete seniajani väga positiivsed ja võitlusvalmis olnud - ärge ka nüüd alla andke! Toetusi ja jõudu/jaksu meie poolt! Elin
BIG HUGS Diana!!
I am so sorry. She's such a brave little girl. And the whole family has been in so much of an emotional state for the past few years. It has to be so hard on everyone. I am still praying but after a while it makes you wonder if prayers are answered. They say they are, but not always to our liking. But I will continue to remember Regina and her family in my prayers. All of you hang tough.
Süda on jälle nii raske...
Ma lihtsalt ei saagi ette kujutama seda, mida teie pere aastast aastasse üle elab! Mul on tõeliselt südamest kahju!
Lihtsalt pole sõnu....
Your are in our thoughts every day; sending you and yours - hugs, prayers, and strength.
There are lots of things I'd like to say that are not appropriate for me to write here.
Regina is amazing and she's already surprised us a few times.
So please relay this message from me to the fine doctors Finlay and Dhall that it's time for them to pull another rabbit out of their hats.
I think there's still some magic to be had...
Hello, came to this blog via my good friend old lady Lincoln.
Our thoughts are with your brave little girl. I have two young sons and I just cannot imagine what emotions you are going through.
Stay strong and give her our love.
Love The Sticklands from England
I'm really sorry. Cancer is horrible and evil. It is just not right that precious children have to endure this crap. I will be praying for beautiful Regina.
Dear Diana,
I am so sorry to hear that!
Sending you big big hugs from Estonia,
Maris T.C.
You have marvelous doctors! Would they give up now?
Fingers crossed and prayers in my heart for you and Regina.
Diana - Continuing to keep Regina and the entire family in my thoughts and prayers. What a brave 9 year old Regina is. ((((HUGS)))
~ Aimee (Tulip's World)
Diana, I am praying hard! (((HUGS)))
I do remember reading this post before, and I can't believe I didn't post a comment. But please know that I am thinking of you and Regina and that I am reading when I can. I love your daughter already! She is a little doll!!! God bless her! She's been through so much....
(((((( HUGS ))))))
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