Tuesday, April 4

Rain and flying...

I just hope that tomorrow will be better day. We will fly to Memphis from LAX airport this time. Our flight is around 3.50 PM. We will be in memphis 11.10 PM. We have to take taxy from airport to hospital. On Thursday we have extra busy day( from 7 am till 4 pm). And we will get back to OC on Friday around noon. Whew. At least it is only one grazy day and I do not have to much think about wasting my time doing nothing. :)

** We need some clean scan vibes**


Kathy said...

We'll be waiting for you to announce good news about Regina's scans.

Are you on the Northwest nonstop?

Queen D said...

NO. It is with America West to Phoenix and from there to Memphis. Since it was LAST minute thing this is only flight thta was available.

Lennuk said...

I will keep my fingers crossed!
Good scans.......................

ellen said...

Sending many prayers along with you to Memphis. God bless.

Queen D said...

We got here last night around 12.15. Taxi driver was total jerk. There was one more person he had to take.He charged that person full price and he charged us ( st jude full price), and besides us there was one more st jude patient with us, he wanted to get extra 30 dollars from her also. ( not sure if St Jude payd him or not)

Right now Regina is having her MRI done. Without sedation.:)