( Reginas 9th birthday, 2008)
Regina had a very restful and peaceful night. I gave her Ativan to relax her and morfine to take her pain away around 9 PM. After that I gave her Morphine once again 2 AM and last time I gave it to her was 9 AM. She has been very calm , sleeping of course, but nothing like yesterday. SHE has started sweating a little ( expected ).Last night she spoke to someone few words in her language . Seemed like it was happy talk, tone of her voice was good :) She has not been responding to us at all. But I know she hears us. Once in a while when drugs start wearing off, she hears our voice and blinks more often with her almost closed eyes :) I am happy that she looks so peaceful and is pain free .
( 2009 , couple of days ago) Lifetime Queen :)
( Thank you for praying for her/us), thank you for texting us, and calling us, leaving comments:) I do feel your love and support, I really do :):):):) You all are big part of our lives now:)
Regina will be 10 on 3 days.... 09/19
LOVE hearing good news :). Pain-free and peaceful is good and happy sound of voice should make you feel just a tiny bit better too, i hope :)
I`m just obsessivly checking your blog, always with great hope to see positive news and i`m glad you were given an oppurtunity to do that again :)
thank you for the update. i love your attitude. wish i had just a small piece of it.
you are the best mommy...
We are praying for the entire family. We are touched and connected to you all. Please let me know if I can do anything. I would love to be there for your family.
Diana ja Regina,
ma imetlen Teid mõlemaid- nii vaprad, südamlikud, kannatlikud, siirad...
Ma tegelikult ei tunnegi teid rohkem, kui ainult selle blogi kaudu, aga elan Teile iga päev kaasa ja mõtlen Teie mõlema peale. Regina- sa oled kõige vapram väike tüdruk! Diana- see on imetlusväärne ja aukartust äratav, kuidas sa sellega toime tuled!
Minu süda ja mõtted on Teiega..
She's just beautiful. I am glad she's resting and pain free.
I'm happy to hear the Regina is resting peacefully. I'm sure feeling her family's love and knowing that you are all there gives her more peace then anything else. Please know that Mati and I are praying for your beautiful baby girl and your whole family at this time. With Love, Milvi Laan.
I'm happy to hear Regina is resting
comfortably. I hope you can get some rest as well - Keeping you all in my thoughts every minute of the day. Positive energy all the way.
We are thinking of you and praying for you all. Please give Regina a big kiss from us (even though you have no idea who we are...) and a big hug to Gabriel, Nick and you, Diana.... You are being sent much love and warm thoughts.
Melina, Levi and family
Mötetes Reginaga.
God bless the entire family. Love to you all.
Mõtlen teile väga palju ja palvetan printsess Regina ja teie pere eest iga päev (kuigi pole aastaid enam palvetanud ja kõigekõrgemaga kontaktis olnud...Reginast lugedes alles mõistsin, kui oluline see tegelikult on)! Tahan lihtsalt öelda, et kuigi olen veel üks võõras, kes teid ei tunne, et hoian ja kallistan teid kõiki oma mõtetes! Oled vist maailma targeim naine ja Regina on vapraim tüdruk, keda tean! Olete mu elu ja ellusuhtumist väga palju muutnud, mul on kahju, et see arusaamine tuleb läbi traagika... Hoian teid oma mõtetes ja palvetan Regina eest!
We are thinking of you all...........every min of the day.
lots of love Sandra and Family
thinking of you and your family...
Dear Tan Family,
Glad to hear the Princess is comfortable.
Keeping watch over Gabe during lunch.
Praying for all of you.
Princess Regina is blessed to have you as a family.
Much Love,
Kim and Mary
The Lunch Ladies.
God bless the little Princess and all of you!
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