Monday, November 24

Keep your fingers crossed.

I was supposed to take Regina to CHLA . She has Lumbar puncture procedure . BUT on my way there, something happened to my car ( OR I thought so). So I called NICK and told him to get his car ready , because I am coming home. It was 5 AM.

NOW, He and Regina are In CHLA.

PS( NothINg is wrong with my car. WHAT I thought was engine problem, was actually WAL MART bag stuck under my car and making those flapping sounds... OH, is that a hint that I should start shopping in Wal Mart?

ANYWAY, lets just hope that LP is clean.


Patty said...
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Patty said...

Hope everything comes out ok. Keeping my fingers crossed.

That was funny about the bag. It must have been a large bag. LOL

Kathy said...

Waiting for good news...

Steven isn't feeling well today. I hope nobody brought any bad germs to Regina.

Queen D said...

:D I am sorry Steven :((((
REgina is feeling great today. even after LP. She is up and running and eating my house empty:)

Steph said...

I'm waiting for good news too....