Wednesday, March 4


Regina is doing good. On monday we decided to go to Disneyland for few hours. After almost 3 hours of walking and waiting in lines, Regina finally got tired. Actually, her bones started hurting, and she almost fell asleep walking. After disney we went to see Dr. Loudon. His office is 6 miles from Disneyland. He still did not remove Reginas stiches. We are going to let them stay in for one more week.

We also saw Dr Dhall today. He thinks Regina looks good ( yeah). We will meet up with him on 18th of march to discuss MRI results ( MRI is on 14th of march).
On 12 of march Regina has audiology appointment. Reginas hearing has taken turn to worse, and I think it is great idea to get her some hearing aids. Actually, soon I will be needing them tooo. TV is always on max in our house, so If I start asking WHAT WHAT , or yell at you, it's not because i am mad at you... I just can't hear .. hehe:):):)



Patty said...

So happy she is doing well. She needs a set of ear phones like I have to listen to the TV. There is no cord attached. The person wearing them can turn the sound to what they need, and the TV sound can actually be turned off if no one else is watching it. If others are watching, they put it at the level they need and the person wearing the head phones can adjust their own ear plugs. It was the best $200.00 I've ever spent on something. I got mine from a place called hitec, they have a web site I've had mine for some time, so I would imagine the cost has gone up. They're nice for anyone watching TV while someone else is trying to sleep. Again, so glad she's doing ok.

Patty said...

Me again, I went there and looked, the set I have is called Sennheiser DirectEar SET810 Infrared TV Listening System and they cost $249.00 now. But like I said, they are well worth the money.

Queen D said...

:D Thanks Patty :) I look it up.

Anonymous said...

Dear Diana, I am so happy for Regina as she has you as her mother. You're such a strong and most cool mother. I hope you're not alone in keeping Regina happy and well.

Anonymous said...

I check here everyday and am so glad to see Regina smiling at Disneyland. I am just sending healing vibes to you all! Stay strong!

Anonymous said...

checking in... thinking of you and the fam... hugs and healing vibes coming your way!