Wednesday, March 18

Things do not go always as planned. Well, Regina is doing awesome. SHe is amazing. Decadron has done wonders on her appetite, but also kind of messed up her mood. But that is not an issue right now.

We were supposed to start chemo today. Yesterday we had to do 12 hour urine collection ( from 8am till 8 PM ). Did that, took it with us to CHLA. But sadly chemo has to wait. Reginas counts have almost all recovered. Problem here is platelet count. It is safe her platelets are 79 000 right now, BUT to start chemo we have to have them at least 100 000.
Also, since Chemo has messed up Reginas hearing pretty badly, Dr. Dhall has to adjust Reginas chemo dose. So instead of full Cisplatin, she will only get half the strenght I believe. And her CCNU chemo also will be cut in half.

We will most likely get admitted next wednesday. We have lab draw on monday, and see how her counts will look :)

This round of chemo will be REginas last tough chemo. I wish there was effective and non toxic chemo ( DREAM ON , RIgHT), that will help her . We will most likely try other new drugs , but again, I have no idea what will happen in 2 months.

:D Thank you guys for your support :) I know there are few of you who wish you could do more for us. Sadly, I am horrible at asking help. You all say, it will be no trouble at all to you, and you are willing to help whenever I am asking. :) So I AM so sorry, if I dissapointed you in some way for not including you :( We still love you all and I am so happy that you guys exist :) It is nice to know that Whenever WE do need real help, you are there with open arms and warm heart :)



Kathy said...

Let's hope those counts go up...

Anonymous said...

Please give me your address:

We are an expat family living in Costa Rica and we'd like to send something to Regina.


Patty said...

Dear Regina and family thinking of you all. Hoping for only the best for Regina. Still keeping her in my prayers. Hang in there family. You need each others support. Love, Patty

Anonymous said...

the pictures of regina are beautiful! such a pretty, warrior! hoping her counts move up quickly so you can start the chemo and get it over with!! :)

Anonymous said...

checking in this morning... hope your day and all is well.
