Friday, October 21

Star of the week.

This past week Was Reginas week in shool. She was star of the week. End of each week teacher pulls out one students name from hat( total 25 students). WHose name gets draws , gets to be Star Of The Week. During the one week period that kid gets to stand on line first( before entering classroom, and exiting classroom), sit next to teacher, share her favorite toy , etc. Regina was very exited to be star of the week. :)/

I also do volunteering in Reginas Classroom every friday for about 2 hours. My job is simple. I have to read books, make sure they do their writting and math right, play bingo and oher board games with them and make sure there is order in within that group who is with me at that very moment. I like it. I really do. :) Kids are fun.:) And Regina LOVES when I visit her school every friday. She tryes extra hard to impress me. :) ;)


Kathy said...

I'm a volunteer also, in Sean's class every Monday. I do miscellaneous tasks like copying and laminating, then I lead a reading group. I love it, gives me a chance to be mean to those kids and keep them in line :-)

Queen D said...

Carol- 4 years ago , when I started going to college, my first choise for major was early childhood education but i changed my mind after 2 courses. I could deal with kids, BUT parents are whole different story.... I'd make one very fair and mean ( in a good way) teacher. I would not let the kids get a way with the things they do get a way in Reginas and Gabriels class.

I have one awsome thought what I want to do in the future, but I can not reveal it. I had thoughts before and after I sed it out loud someone took credit for it. :)