Saturday, September 10

Regina is feeling wonderful today. She has been very active and her apetite is slowly returing to her. Her sores are slowly healing and her cough is almost gone. Today we went to mall, because both of my kids wanted to have teriaky chicken, and only teriaky chicken they love is in Mission viejo mall :) After that I felt like baking and I made some cinamon rolls from scratch, then I made viener pirogies. Then I felt like eating homemade strawberry preserves. So I made that also. And I stuffed some dough with that and baked it. I also made some yeast dough doughnuts. :lol I swear, it is all about bread these days....


Kathy said...

That looks SOOO good.

Whatever happened to that plan you had to travel around and cook for people?

Queen D said...

My excuse not to is- high gaslin prices. ;o)

Lennuk said...

these look so good. homemade ja puha!
i am hungry!

Queen D said...

Homemade ja puha jah:D Today I made some potato salad and marinated my lamb for lamb kebobs. i'm not big eating lamb myself, but enjoy making it for others.

Lennuk said...

I love lamb with tadziki! hungry again.
I made rosolje on friday. Eat soolaheeringas and drank kali.