( 20 Minutes after getting "bad" news.. Ride back from CHLA to our house, I climbed from my seat to back seat, sat between Regina and Gabriel and cried and smiled, and tried to make them smile...
Dear calendar makers... Please cut out date 20 from your calendars.... 20 Will never be my favorite date :(
i wake my girls every morning by kissing their toes. every morning. this morning while kissing them i thought of you washing regina's toes while bathing her after she passed. and my heart ached for you... and everyone that has lost a child. i cant tell you how many times i have thought of regina and then appreciated what i was doing. i appreciate things i never did before because of her... and you. i know i have told you this before but i will continue to do so. because she lives on in me all the way on the other side of the US. she is not forgotten and often makes me a better momma. i wish i could hug you. and i wish i could bring her back.
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