Thursday, October 4


I WANT TO THANK YOU ALL ONE MORE TIME for coming to Reginas Birthday party :) SHE loves all her gifts and giftcards. I told her that she can use ONE gift card ONCE a week.. Oh BOY. She almost started screaming out loud- NO NO NO NONONONONON WHY WHY WHY..( kind of like I do when I am being told I spend to much )

Regina is doing great :) She seems to be doing better in school. I was really afraid that she will NOT get anything, but so far so good. She almost got her VERB activities right ( BTW, I am learning with her it is like English as second language course for me ;) ). She does pretty good with math .. Reading does not cause her much trouble, BUT, it is hell of a work to MAKE HER READ. She makes million silly faces before she picks up one book.... oh Regina :)

Regina is Really Healthy right now. I truly am amazed to see her so normal , active , healthy, full of energy. Trust me... IF I was not her mom , I would not have believed if some brain tumor mom had told me that her kid is doing great.... She is just one amazing sugar cookie.. She is full of surprises, she is full of life, and it is hard for me to believe that she is fighting to stay alive. WHAT goes on in her?? What does she feel? How does she feel? What does she think when I take her to dr's appointments, how does she feel before, after and during MRI? What does she really think about her Brain tumor?

I AM SO happy that she is doing awesome, but I can't let go scare, that I wake up tomorrow and our lives are turned upside down once again.. I do not think that I ever get back that peace I had before she was diagnosed first time. EVERY little thing that happens to her just drives me insane. EVERY time somebody ADVICES me how THEY think is better to take care of REgina- I go mad inside.. ( NOT YOU KATHY ;) lol ) I Hate when somebody tells me - oh SHE IS ABSOLUTELY FINE- you should not worried at all. SHE will do great, she will grow up bblah blah blah.... IS that the truth?
ALl I can say is- I live one day at a time- I do not make plans. If I do , I know nothing goes the way it should. I say yes to friends, but it may happen that I have to cancel minute before going to party... I hate doing it, because IT IS AGAINST MY RULES, but I have to.. So please be patient... IT is not about me , It is about REgina, IT is about Gabriel, kids come first... ( SOmetimes ;))


Steph said...

"I Hate when somebody tells me - oh SHE IS ABSOLUTELY FINE- you should not worried at all. SHE will do great, she will grow up bblah blah blah.... IS that the truth?"

I understand this....I had the same feeling/thought when people would say that about Asher....I STILL do....

I also understand not making plans....I'm even having trouble getting Asher into school....


Always thinking about Regina and you....

Asher's mom

Kathy said...

Are you saying I have the right to tell you how to parent Regina?

Now that's a scary thought :-)