Tuesday, May 30


You know what- I was about to kick my dermatologist today ... I guess he was not having very good day, but is it my problem??? Anyway, my skin is getting worse. I get really bad brake outs everywhere and nothing seems to be working. So , I asked him what next, Can he run some tests or look deeper into it before prescribing me new meds.. But oh no, he wants me on steroids... He told me that every time I get one of those bad brake out days , I should take steroids for 4 days and then stop. Side effects- weight gain, moodiness, and water retention( spelling?) .
First image that comes to my head with word STEROIDS are kids I met in st Jude who were on Steroids( swollen red faces, rash...etc). I have this mental image in my head that after I take one of those pills , my face/head swells up like an balloon and then explodes...
I am just so tired of dealing with bad body acne and worse of all, most of people do not belive me that it can be frustrating. If you never had acne problems , then you do not know ....
I can not wear short sleave shirts when I have brake outs because my arms/ neck/ body looks horrible. I can not suntan because if I do ,I get brake outs, I can drink wine, but I get white fluid filled clusters all over my body... I am just so tired of all this. I do not want to spend a penny for some prescripiton meds that do not work... What is my organism lacking? Or what am I having to much? ALl my blood tests came back within normal limits. I take my vitamins, eat salads, fruits, chicken fish???
I am 28, and all I am dealing with is something I should not be dealing at this age...
Sorry, another self pity blog..... I want to go to movies and see Nacho Libre ....

Now I tell you about my latest Netflixers..

Memoirs of a Geisha ---- I loved it. I loved the ending. I usually do not like romantic movies but this one was just something I needed to see... Beautiful.

Shopgirl- it was interesting. Again , one of those NOT MY TYPE kind of movies, but I liked it.

Must love dogs- I hated it. Waste of time.

The Aviator - Not my style at all.

And that is it for today. I am trying to loose some weight before my China trip, but it is not happening. My dear neighbors always have something going on .. and you know my relationship with food....

1 comment:

Kathy said...

Steroids have serious side effects. When you really need them, they're very effective, but I agree that taking them for what you're experiencing doesn't seem like the solution.

Is it an allergy to something? If you're not already taking it, maybe try taking claritin or zyrtec every day for at least a month and see if that helps.

Also, have you seen a nutritionist? The only one I'm particularly acquainted with is a woman who specializes in brain tumor patients, but inflammation is a huge part of what she specializes in and I know she's good, her name is Jeanne Wallace.