Thursday, June 17

Sometimes people keep surprising me.  I thought I have heard of everything but I guess not...
couple of days ago "potential Buyers surprised me with a question IF our Daughter has died in our house.. Since they did it through our realtors, I told our Realtor, it is UP TO THEM TO Lie, but I am sure they will find out , since we do live in a  very tight community.
But surprise point was.. So you found out, are you trying to LOWER our house price again ,because it is "spirited? ) .. You know, lowering price does not take spirits away,  I will  "TELL REGINA " to be extra spirited.. hehe..  if u know what I mean..

 Nick is COMING HOME!!! CAN'T wait...


Gabriel is turing 9 on june 22nd...

  4th of JULY is around the corner....

  RIght now.. just waiting...

1 comment:

Patty said...

I thought you only had to tell the buyer if someone was either murdered in the house or committed suicide. Our neighbor committed suicide. There have been four different families in there since then. We were talking to the family that lives there now and understand they were not told this. But they said that does not bother them. It would me. But if a person died from an illness while living there, that wouldn't bother me.