Right now I am all alone. Gabriel and Regina both are in school. Regina LOVES going to school. She wants to go every day but since Tutor Time is just wayyyy to expensive for 2 kids( full time), she only goes tuesdays and thursdays. I love their school. They learn so much, and summer camp program is awsome. They do lots of field trips and there is something new going on every day. :)
regina is also geting over her cold. Her runny nose is not runny again and her humongous cold sore is drying off and recovering. She ALWAYS gets huge coldsores when she gets sick.- always. Poor her. I was same way when I was kids. Before I even got really sick I got cold sores all over my lips- I still get them occasionaly.
2 months ago Regina was diagnosed with primary Hypothyroidism. If you want to know more about it go here http://www.umm.edu/ency/article/000367.htm
She is taking 25 mcg/d thyroid replacement meds daily. Meds are working, because she just had labs done week ago and her thyroid function is up to speed now. So we will keep her on this low dose of medication. We also have to take extra trip to St Jude in october to get her formal growth hormone testing done. I am not looking forward for this test at all. This test scares me. They have to get good IV on her,and then inject her with insulin . Here are some of the symptoms and brief explanation what may happen ( and probably will).
1. Extensive review of available clinical information has caused the endocrinology section to questioned the endocrine functions of your:
a. Growth Hormone
b. Cortisol
2. Optimal hormone management requires definitive testing to measure the hormone response to an intentional spell of low blood glucose (hypoglycemia). Refusing the testingto test, or relying on alternative testing, will complicate the medical management or lead to incompletely informed medical decisions.
3. The hypoglycemia testing results will be used forto:
a. Determine tThe best clinical management of the patient.
b. Specific research study:____________________________________________
4 a. The patient is expected to transiently experience:
a. Mild symptoms: hunger, headache, fatigue
b. Moderate symptoms: cold & clammy skin, pounding heart, tremulous
c. Severe symptoms: decreased alertness & responsiveness, sleepiness
5. 4b. The patient is not expected, buy may, to transiently experience:
a. Profound symptoms: Total unresponsiveness and/or , seizures , requiringement of supportive measures (including treatment with IV glucose
I just hope that all goes well and she will not have any severe side effects. And hopefully they find out more about how Regina will grow and what problems we may run into. It is neverending battle. I really, really do hate cancer, I hate all the worries, I hate that she has to suffer time to time, I hate that she has to be on the meds, I hate that I can not forget some of the heartbraking events that happened in the past. But I LOVE her strenght and understanding about her own condition. She is one very strong and special person. In my surprise sometimes she even asks me if we could go to St Jude so she could play with some of her friends, but sad thing is- some of those good friends have passed away and some of them are in home loosing battles with cancer, And some of them are happy and healty. She often aske me about her friend Kailen. She lives in Luisiana with her mom and sister and is about Reginas age. They were the best friends in st Jude. Kailen was diagnosed with leukeemia( ALL) last year, she is still receiving chemo but they just wisit St jude once a month for couple of days for chemo and then they go back to Louisiana.
About me and my car- things are slowly moving and seems like maybe end of next week I get my sweet wheels back. There were some confusing incidents about 2 weeks ago. About 3 weeks ago I was told Liberty mutual was other partys insurance also, but about 7 days ago I was told they are not, Farmers is. So I called the farmers and asked will they cover my rental car for next 2 weeks and they sayed they will reinburse the money.
Then Farmers claims person told me that they HAVE not heard from Cassandra( girl who caused the accident) since the accident. They( cassandra) have not returned his calls or faxes, or letters etc. They even did not describe what happened on place of accident. So I have to give them my side of story what happened on place of accident.
Farmes guy told me that he told Liberty mutual to give me a call about week after the accident, but Liberty Mutual never mentioned it. That makes everything even more confusing.
Farmers insurance guy even came to my house to check out how we are doing and checked out the place of accident.
So , my rental is covered, I got 400 dollars to cover my medical bills( chiropractor), and they update me daily and ask if there are more bills they can take care off . But since I have such a nice and not so demanding person , I had no bills.
I think they want our business, that is why they are so freekin' nice.
But I am still confused. Why liberty mutual lied to me about Cassandras insurance?? I called them, but as usual, my calls never get returned. So there you go. I think we will change our insurance after this freekin' drama is over.
10 days-- hardly seems long enough, does it?
Doug is out of town this week too, coming home tonight.
We've been so busy we can hardly breathe...
I guess your busy-busy schedule is about to arrive in August. fasten your seatbelts and enjoy the ride. ;)
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