EXTRA, EXTRA- Regina Tan has landed in CHLA. Room 430-B , YUP, we are regulars here and they save us bed in our "favorite" 3 bed room. lol. She does not seem to mind it. IF remote control is close by, she can handle even 5 bed hospital room. Silly Regina. Right now she receives fluids. and after couple of hours of hydration, she will start Irinotecan, oral etoposide, temodor. TOmorrow, Cyclophosfomide(sp), oral etoposide, temodor. Then 3 more days of Oral etoposide and temodor, and then 2 mondays of Irinotecan. And that is end of it.. Or at lest end of high dose chemo.
After this round she will get LARGE volume of GCSF( Filgastrim) to boost her white blood count, so we can harvest some stem cells. After that boost she will get Double Hickman line to harvest those cells and what comes next is kind of hazy... we just have to wait and see.
Saturday, sunday in hospital, Monday we will be here until 1 pm( I am guessing). and then we will come here every other day for labs. YAWN...
Since Reginas stem cells has to be rescued and there are other un knows things about her future, I am not sure what day we will have her birthday. IF we happen to be home on sept 29th, we will have her party for sure. Just stay tuned-- AND we will have her party from 3 PM till 7 PM , OR until all you crazy party people have energy to listen to hight school musical stuff...lol
ALSO her Real birthday is on Sept, 19th. BUT since her counts will be low and we will be inpatients MOSt likely, we will not have party then. IF you happen to be in area and we are in LA, give us a call and let us know that you are coming to see REgina...
My cell no is (949) 290 6958
Reginas Address is
Regina Tan
27715 Manor Hill rd
Laguna Niguel
Ca, 92677
I asked what she wants for Birthday-
Her wish list.
Barbie as The Island Princess stuff- accessories, toys, games, clothes whatever ( not a big fan myself)
High School MUSICAL accessories ( pillowcases, sheets, pillows, clothes, decor items )
Gift cards to Toys R us, Children's place, Old Navy, Build a bear, book store gift cards, Disney store stuff, clothes... ( She has tons of princesses and barbies,)
HELLO KITTY stuff( please no more notebooks, or pens and pencils... I think she has about thousand pencils ...lol
Chilis Restaurant Gift cards ( her favorite restaurant In whole wide world).
Regina wears size 6 or 6x and her favorite color is DARK pink and red.
ANyway, these are just some suggestions, but seriously, she is second grader now,and I want her to start realizing that. Barbies are fun, BUT enough is enough. It is time to start growing up ;) lol