Reginas growth hormone testing went really well. Her blood sugar was healthy low to start with ( 53) and when it reached 23 ( dangerosly low), she did not have any major problems. She did fall asleep and got really sweaty and tired, but after it was over , they gave her some sugary apple juice and crackers, and her sugar went up to100. AND she did not cry when nurse inserted 2 IVs to her( one for emergency ) . I was so proud of her. :)
The whole week in memphis was filled with fun activites. They had Target Carnival and Regina got lots of new toys and "junk" from there. Then we wisited Target house every day because of Camp Wishing Well - we did lots of arts and crafts and ate WAY to many burgers and other BBQ foods. lol. On friday ( last day of Camp Wishing well) target house had back to school night. Every kid got a back back.- Regina chose My little pony bag with wheels, and then they had stations set up downstairs and we got to fill her back pack with all kinds of stuff needed for school- binders, markers, crayons, dictionarys, notebooks, pens, rulers and much more. I think her backpack weighed at last 15 lbs because of all the paper stuff. :) It was really , really fun week. :) And I am just amazed with regina how patiently she dealed with everything.
She also had 6 hour psych testing. 3 hours in tuesday and 3 hours in wednesday. I knew that if I was going to be in the room she will not perform as well as I was out, so I stayed out of the room:) But I was told that she did AWSOME with everyhting. They were really impressed with her math skilles and solving super hard puzzles that even some high school kids can not . So WTG Regina. AND she was happy to do it. She told me that It is just like school only better, because she got a big prize after each testing:)
We allready got our schedule for next time and then we only have 2 days of appointments ( november 12 and 13 I think) MRI and Patient screening. Of course these 2 apointments are scheduled on 2 different days. DUMB.
Now I CAN not wait till school starts. I am so ready to enjoy some ME time. Even though it is only 3,5 hours, I am exited about it.
AND I am going back to college. YES!!! This cemester I only enrolled 2 online classes, but that is better than nothing- psychology and Excel. I think I will change my major to nursing . Well, I am pretty sure about it. I am not exited about how much books cost and that Price per unit is 26 dollars.( 2002 it was 11 dollars per unit) Thanks Arnold.!!!!!